History - Old Indian Photos

The Last Journey of Mahatma Gandhi - February 1948

The niece of Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) places flower petals on his brow as he lies in state at Birla House, New Delhi, after his assassination. Immediately after this picture was taken the procession left for the burning ghat on the banks of the river Jumna, where the cremation took place.

The body of Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi lying in state at Birla House, New Delhi, before the funeral cortege leaves for the burning ghats on the banks of the River Jumna.

A Sikh priest reciting the scripts from the Gurugranth Saheb, while the body of Indian statesman and advocate of non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi, lies in state, covered with a Khadar sheet.

Members of the ashram of Indian political and spiritual leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi gather around his body as it lies in the state room in Birla House shortly after his assassination.

Vast crowds surge around the truck on which the body of assassinated Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi lies, as it passes slowly along the funeral route to the funeral pyre in New Delhi.

Vast crowds follow the body of assassinated Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi, as it passes slowly along the funeral route to the immersion ceremony in New Delhi.

Hindu and Muslim mourners following the funeral procession of the Indian statesman and advocate of non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi.

Crowds gathering to pay tribute to the Indian statesman and advocate of non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi, at the Birla House in Delhi where he was assassinated.

A crowd watching the funeral pyre of Indian statesman and advocate of non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi.

Picture dated 10 February 1948 shows the funeral pyre of the Mahatma Gandhi burning into flames during his funerals. Ashes of India's freedom icon Mahatma Gandhi were scattered 30 January 2008 off the coast of the financial capital Mumbai in a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of his assassination by a Hindu fanatic.

The ashes of Mahatma Gandhi, Indian nationalist leader, are collected at his funeral, held in Delhi and attended by several thousand people.

Indian politician and Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, paying tribute to the Indian statesman and advocate of non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi, at a meeting to pay homage to his memory.

The body of martyred Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, known as the Mahatma Gandhi for the ceremony of cremation. Almost one million people took part in the Mahatma Gandhi's funeral procession to reach the cremation grounds near New Delhi and mourn their leader, slain by an assassin’s bullets as he walked to prayer at Birla House.

The ashes of assassinated Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi being carried through the streets of Allahabad before being consigned to the River Ganges. Allahabad, in northern India's Uttar Pradesh State, is one of India's holiest cities, lying at the confluence of the Yamuna and Ganges rivers.

The Governor General's Bodyguard heading the procession on the 5.5 mile route through New Delhi to the funeral pyre during the funeral of Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi.

A crowd watching the funeral procession of Indian statesman and advocate of non-violence Mahatma Gandhi.

Vast crowds surge around Howrah Bridge in Calcutta (Kolkata) to mark the funeral of the assassinated Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi.

Source: in.news.yahoo.com